Saying What Needs to Be Said
Many of us carry around the burdens caused by others, simply because we choose not to forgive or forget. Today is the perfect day to let go of an old grievance. Lightening your load of it invites in something life giving as a much better replacement.
Music is quick therapy, so just:
1. Turn up your device’s volume
2. Breathe in slowly and deeply, connecting with a painful experience from your past that has been hard for you to rise above.
3. Spend a few moments replaying all of the thoughts and feelings you harbor from the experience.
4. Click on the photo below, which will redirect you to YouTube
5. Watch the video, then handwrite or type a letter to whomever was associated with this time. Tell them how the situation hurt you and explain why you have not been able to let it go.
6. DO NOT SEND THE LETTER! Instead, read through it until it feels like a story someone else wrote. Tear up the letter and move on.